Usually around this time of the year we begin to think and make plans for the new year that is coming because we want to make the most of our time to achieve goals in all areas of our lives at home, in the family, at work, in our studies and also in our spiritual goals.
Every year that passes we feel that time travels faster, it’s like life speeds up and we don’t have time to think carefully about what we want to do. The days go by one after the other so quickly that at times we even come to think that time goes meaningless. We just live in an automatic mode responding to the needs we face every day.
There is a reality and it is that if you are reading this now it is because you are still here to tell another year of history. Although we have had to face battles, although we go through suffering, face fears, or frustrations, in any case, we have to thank God for so many other positive things that we have also had: family, church, friends, work, etc. health etc. Therefore, the best decision we can make if we want to start the new year with a new hope, with peace and joy in our hearts, is to listen to the words of Jesus who tells us: “Know that I am with you every day, until the end of times“. He is not only with us when you are sick, homeless or when you are doing well and enjoying good health and are financially stable, but he is with you always. This gives us the assurance that He was with us every day of the year that is ending and that he will be with us every day of the next.
With that security we can start a new year projecting our life and that of our family with a solid foundation of faith, knowing that, even if we have to face storms, God is the captain of our boat and we will be able to reach our destination safely.