Gospel Lesson Mark 6:1-13
Title: L3 Ministry: To the least, the last and the lost
In Methodist circles worldwide, the first Sunday of July marks the beginning of the church’s new appointment year, a new time and opportunity to continue learning and growing in the kingdom of God.
The gospel presents Jesus as a teacher and discusses the rejection of his people and the sending of the 12 disciples, giving us at least two valuable lessons.
First, the gospel we are called to share will not always bring us fame or prestige; instead, it can cause even our people not to understand, accept, or support us. Second, God has not called us to keep the good news of the gospel for ourselves but to go out and share it with the least, the last, and the lost.
Jesus appears to have been rejected by members of his own family. Though he and his teaching have attracted crowds, they have turned against him. That doesn’t stop Him. After letting them know what he thought about all their questions, Jesus turned toward a small group of ordinary people and commissioned them to be his disciples, sending them to do the work he had been doing: heal, liberate, and call to repentance. Tell others that it is possible to have a personal relationship with God.
He gave them authority over unclean spirits and instructed them to take nothing for the journey. Twelve ordinary people called to preach to the Least – those smallest in amount, extent, or significance; to the Last – those who always come after all others in time or order; those at the end of the line; to the Lost – those unable for any reason to find their way back to home; those who have been taken away or cannot recover by themselves. Jesus is sending his disciples to offer others the same opportunity they received from him.
He sends them regardless of where they come from, their past, how they look, their preferences and differences, or their character because they will not represent themselves but the One who had changed their lives forever.
They were not chosen to be disciples because of their gifts or talents, nor are we. The Lord calls only because of his love and grace.
Jesus’ calling and sending of the disciples explain why you are here this morning. The life of a Christian and a congregation begins to change the day we discover that Jesus can teach us how to live, what to do, and where to go in an everyday relationship with Him.
By listening to his message and following in his footsteps, we can learn to live an L3 ministry. Reach out to those who still belong to our society’s least, last, and lost groups.