Once again, we are entering the Christmas season that brings us beautiful memories of the past where we celebrate both in church and as a family, the arrival of Christ in this world. Although, over the years the main reason for this celebration is gradually being forgotten as people focus on shopping, decorating, and buying gifts. Little by little it is turned into a secular party, moving away from the true reason for this celebration.
I do not know if we have realized that the current world points more and more to secularism. It is happening in such a subtle way that even those of us who have grown up with a Christian education, have not noticed that Jesus is no longer the visible and central reason for the Christmas; much less that his presence is no longer the center of our lives. How sad!

Let us remember that Christmas is one of the most important holidays that Christianity celebrates. Where is the manger of Jesus displayed around us? Where is the expression “Merry Christmas” written?
Perhaps this is the best time to ask yourself: Where is Jesus in my life? How important is He really to me? Have we developed a daily routine to meditate on His Word; to spend time with our Lord? His Word is really the source of life and a renewal of faith.
Aside from looking over the long list of people who you want to buy gifts for, the multiple trips to the stores, the hours searching Amazon for that perfect gift, have you separated time in your schedule to participate in the Christmas celebrations at church?
Most of us believe in God, but our faith has yet to manifest in a tangible way. Let us try to walk as children of the light! Let us live showing love, proclaiming our faith in the cross of Jesus Christ by wishing “Merry Christmas” not “Happy Holidays”. In doing all the good that is within our reach, thinking not only of ourselves and our families but of all those who are around us, we are honoring God with all our lives and in all that we do.
The path to God, even if it is rocky, is the only one that leads to eternal life. If we really believe in Him, we cannot follow the trends of the world and live as if we do not believe. If we plan a Christmas party, let us not forget to center around Jesus Christ, thank Him, and acknowledge that He is our first guest of honor.
May this Christmas bring into our lives who we really need, Jesus Christ. May His promises encourage us to live in a different way, may we appreciate the value of His blood on the cross, reject all worldly tendencies and sin. May the spirit of goodness and generosity flourish in us, in abundant love and empowered by the patience that we received in Baptism. Let us remember that, to stand in life, we will have to be on our knees before God.
May God grant you His immense peace in abundance.
Merry Christmas!
Rafa and Family